The Cost of Dental Implants & How to Prepare Financially for Them

Cost of Dental Implants

Dental implants are metallic posts resembling screws, used to substitute tooth roots. Damaged or lost teeth are then substituted with synthetic teeth that are created to replicate the look and functionality of your natural teeth. When compared with other choices for replacing lost teeth, dental implants stand out as the most effective option. However, we’ve discovered that patients are often concerned about the costs associated with dental implant procedures.

In this article, we’ll talk about the prices of these implants, why they’re so expensive, and how to prepare financially for them.

Cost of Dental Implants Based on the Type

The specific type of dental implant recommended by your dentist contributes to the overall cost. It’s important to note that not all dental implants are suitable for every patient.

1. Mini Dental Implants

These implants serve as a temporary solution for denture stabilisation. Initially, mini dental implants weren’t designed for extended use. However, many are required for the success of the dental implant. In certain cases, a mini dental implant becomes the only option due to insufficient bone for a regular, full-sized implant.

Price: $500-$1,000 per tooth.

2. Traditional Dental Implants

Constructed from a titanium alloy, the traditional dental implant offers several choices for the crown material. Options include porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM), porcelain-filled composites, full-contour zirconia, layered zirconia, and full dental gold. Among these choices, zirconia and dental gold usually provide the greatest durability and longevity.

Price: $3,000-$4,500 per tooth

3. All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 Dental Implants refer to a dental implant technique involving 4-6 titanium implants to anchor dentures across a complete arch (upper or lower).

This specific tooth replacement system presents options for snap-on (detachable) implant-retained dentures and screw-retained (permanent) implant-retained dentures. The primary distinction between the two is that screw-retained dental implants can only be removed by a dentist, whereas removable dentures can be removed whenever by the wearer.

The All-on-4 procedure comes with several associated risks and isn’t suitable for everyone. Nevertheless, you can discuss this choice with your dentist as an alternative treatment to individual dental implants or traditional dentures.

Price (removable): $8,000-$17,500.

Price (fixed): $15,000-$30,000 per arch.

4. Same Day Dental Implants

The concept of same day dental implants involves performing dental implant surgery on the day of tooth extraction and bone grafting. Same Day Dental Implants are also known as immediate dental implants, immediately loaded dental implants or teeth-in-a-day. Though less common, this approach can yield positive outcomes. Find out all you need to know about same day dental implants on this link

Price: $5,000-$8,000 per tooth

Why are Dental Implants so Costly?

Dental implants carry a high cost due to their effectiveness as a long-lasting and invasive tooth replacement solution. The reasons why they are so pricy are as follows:

1. Surgical Procedure: Dental implants involve a surgical process, which adds to the complexity compared to simpler dental restorations like fillings. Dental implant processes usually involve multiple appointments and several stages. The sequence involves tooth extraction, bone grafting, implant consultation, implant placement, abutment installation, and the final crown attachment. This is why they’re so costly.

2. Specialised Training: Dentists who perform implant surgery often require specialised training in implantology to carry out a complete dental implant procedure. This can affect the overall cost. Alternatively, you might need to consult an oral surgeon, prosthodontist, or another specialised practitioner. In either case, the cost involved could be higher than that of other procedures. This may be due to the qualifications and training essential for performing the task.

3. Anaesthesia and Sedation: Most patients require local anaesthesia and often dental sedation during the procedure, contributing to the cost.

4. Material Quality: Dental implants are typically made from high-quality materials like titanium, which can be costly. Superior implant materials and specialised implant types typically come with higher costs.

5. Customization: Each implant is custom-made to fit the patient’s unique dental structure, contributing to individualised costs.

6. Laboratory Work: Creating the implant itself, along with any necessary crowns or bridges, involves precise laboratory work.

7. Post-operative Care: Follow-up visits and potential complications drive up the overall cost.

8. Longevity: Despite the initial high cost, dental implants are designed to last for many years, which makes them cost-effective over the long term.

How to Financially Prepare for Dental Implants

Here’s a checklist to help you financially prepare for dental implants:

1. Obtain a complete copy of your dental insurance plan from your provider. Although it’s a lengthy document, going through the plan could reveal exclusions and treatment gaps that you might not be aware of otherwise.

2. Ask your dentist for a comprehensive quote that outlines each aspect of the dental implant procedure. This quote should cover the entire process, encompassing the implant, abutment, and crown costs. Inquire about the expenses for tooth extraction and bone grafting, if required. Don’t forget to inquire whether there’s a fee for a temporary tooth replacement as well.

3. Discuss potential in-house payment choices or financing options with your dentist. They might provide financing or extended payment plans to make budgeting more manageable.

4. When undergoing tooth extraction, consider getting a bone graft to ensure adequate bone support for the implant. Skipping this step could lead to costlier and unforeseen treatments.

5. Begin saving as soon as possible. Use personal savings strategies to help offset the expenses.

Are dental implants worth it?

Yes, dental implants are often considered worth the initial expense due to several reasons:

1. High Success Rate: With a success rate of 94% or higher, dental implants offer a reliable and effective solution.

2. Natural Feel and Function: Dental implants closely mimic the look, sensation, and functionality of real teeth.

3. Longevity: They outlast alternative choices like dental bridges or dentures. Depending on materials and surgical skill, implants can last 10-15 years or even longer.

Dental implants are notorious for their costs, and that’s why you should try as much as possible to find ways to beat down the cost before digging into your wallet. Regardless of your decision, it’s very important for you to choose a dentist who genuinely cares, as it can make all the difference.

If you’re looking for a clinic like that, look no further than us! Book your consultation now to get started.

Gretchen Walker
Gretchen is a homemaker by day and writer by night. She takes a keen interest in life as it unfolds around her and spends her free time observing people go about their everyday affairs.