Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting a Merchant Cash Advance

getting a merchant cash advance

Small businesses may struggle to maintain a stable cash flow. Merchant cash advances (MCAs) are an attractive alternative to traditional loans for businesses that don’t meet the onerous requirements for approval. The MCA will advance funds in return for a share of future credit card transactions. It’s important to carefully evaluate the repercussions, yet this may be a fast and adaptable solution to cash-flow issues. 

Consider these facts before deciding on a merchant cash advance.

1. Cost

MCAs’ interest rates and fees are sometimes far higher than those of more conventional loans. A factor rate of 1.2%–1.5% will determine our final cost. You’ll pay $65,000 if you borrow $50,000 at 1.3. MCAs might be one of the most costly financing solutions due to this fee and the daily credit card sales.

2. Structure of Daily Payments

MCAs are different from conventional loans in that the repayment is often deducted daily from credit card transactions. This payback plan works well for companies that process lots of credit card transactions every day, but it might be too much for companies with erratic sales patterns or smaller volumes. In addition, it might be difficult to budget since repayments are based on your daily sales.

3. Effect on Flow of Funds

Although merchant cash advance financing might help you out in a pinch, the daily payments can have a major influence on your company’s ability to operate. With a larger percentage of your revenue going toward payments, you may have less money available for things like stocking shelves, paying employees, or handling unexpected costs. Therefore, it is crucial to know how an MCA would effect the company’s cash flow.

4. Quickness and ease of access

The quickness and simplicity with which an MCA may be authorized is one of its main selling points. These loans are offered to companies who may not qualify for funding since they are based more on the company’s success than the borrower’s credit history. The application procedure is usually quick, and the money may be in your hands in a matter of days.

5. No Security Needed in Fifth Place

An MCA, in contrast to conventional business loans, does not need collateral. However, the high cost and daily payback arrangement might pose additional serious hazards to your company’s financial health that this solution does not address.

It is important to examine the aforementioned aspects and more when selecting a merchant cash advance.

List of Things to Consider Before Getting a Merchant Cash Advance:

  • Look closely at the money coming in and going out of your company. Make sure you know your income and expenses and can afford daily payments.
  • Contrast with several other forms of financing: It’s possible that alternative forms of funding, such as business credit cards, term loans, or lines of credit, will better meet your requirements.
  • Learn the lingo: It is imperative that you read the MCA in its entirety before to signing it.
  • Think about the consequences: Your company’s credit card transactions and general operations may be impacted by an MCA. Verify if the positives are more than the negatives.
  • Financial planner: Consult an expert before making major financial decisions.

Firms that rely heavily on credit card transactions might benefit greatly from a merchant cash advance. Before signing, consider expenses, cash flow, and other issues. Making the best choice for your company is possible after thorough research.

Gretchen Walker
Gretchen is a homemaker by day and writer by night. She takes a keen interest in life as it unfolds around her and spends her free time observing people go about their everyday affairs.