Practical Ways to Improve Your Prayer 

improve your prayer

One of the most priceless things God gave us when He created us is the ability to pray. How remarkable is it that we have the ability to communicate directly with our God at any time and in any location? As our connection with God deepens, praying may occasionally just become another item on our to-do list. 

Prayer may become less important than we’d like as our schedules become busier by the day, but it doesn’t have to remain that way. The following tips are easy strategies for you to improve your spiritual relationship and connection to God right now.

Pick a regular time and location

The ability to communicate with our Creator God at any time and from any location is one of its most wonderful aspects. We don’t need to do any rituals, be in a specific place, or speak in a certain way. But occasionally, that everywhere and anytime becomes nowhere and never. We’re all familiar with being busy. We tend to allow our good deeds to keep us from spending quality alone time with the exact reason we are here.

Perhaps all we need is a set time and place and a little daily reminder of our love for Him. Once a day, make it a habit to read up on the catholic saint of the day to get connected with your religion more and get reminded to pray. Find a convenient time. Locate a peaceful area, and just make speaking with the all-powerful God a top priority.

Ask God to increase your desire for prayer

The spiritual discipline of prayer requires a level of consistency that is only natural when desire is present. When something is required of you, like praying, it might ruin the joy you would otherwise experience. That’s just who we are. The cure? Deeper love for the God we are praying to. 

Prayer, therefore, changes from being a tedious duty we “need” to complete to a cherished blessing as a result of our growth in our knowledge of His goodness. Remember that praying is the blessed ability to connect with God and communicate. That in itself is among the holiest experiences.

Allow God to communicate to you first through His word

Whenever we pray, we communicate with God. It only goes one way. God answers our prayers.  wants to talk to us frequently. And the Holy Bible is the main vehicle through which He accomplishes this. The Bible is a potent tool that can help us focus and learn as we approach God. Before you pray, read a passage from the Bible. 

Perhaps you use a lovely printable quote to personalize your journal. It might be a passage from a bible study you’re taking part in, a scripture that was mentioned in this week’s sermon, or something else entirely. Just spend some time in silence while reading God’s word. Before talking to God, let God speak to you. Even though you are alone, it could be uncomfortable, however, the more you start doing it, the more wonderful it will feel.

Have a sincere discussion

Prayer is primarily a conversation with God. While we must respect the fact that we are speaking to the Creator of the universe, we also can’t lose sight of the fact that He is also a dependable friend.

If you struggle to express yourself in prayer, try approaching God, in the same manner, you would your closest friend: without caring about what others would say, without overcomplicating it, and without fear of rejection. Just be honest with God about your disappointed feelings. He can manage them.

Look into your heart

Repentance fills the chasm that sin leaves and constructs a pathway back to God. Even though God sees and knows everything, we frequently find it difficult to confess our errors to Him, let alone to those we have harmed.

But according to the Gospel of Mark, we must forgive anyone we have a resentment against in order for our heavenly Father to forgive our misdeeds and sins. If you consider yourself a committed prayer warrior but haven’t seen much progress in your prayer practice, you can be hindered by a lack of remorse or an excess of bitterness.

Final thoughts

Faith’s essence is prayers. We express our gratitude, explain our needs, confess our sins, and plead for our loved ones through this unique channel through which we interact with God. We approach God more and more as we pray. It is a direct path to Heaven for us!

Prayer is pleasing to God, but He doesn’t require faultless prayers; rather, He examines our hearts and our desire to get to know Him more. Try putting these five useful suggestions into practice if you’ve been trying to strengthen your prayer.

Gretchen Walker
Gretchen is a homemaker by day and writer by night. She takes a keen interest in life as it unfolds around her and spends her free time observing people go about their everyday affairs.