Step-by-Step Instructions for Successful Pigeon Control Techniques

Successful Pigeon Control Techniques

I love birds, and I’m sure you do too. But with pigeons, it’s easy to forget their charm amidst the chaos they often create. We just can’t seem to find a balance. I remember the morning I discovered my balcony had transformed into a pigeon convention.

Feathers, cooing, and… well, you know the rest. I dreaded the day I first admired one and tossed it into some food. It was like they held a meeting and decided, “This is the spot!” Suddenly, my space was overrun, and I could barely find room to step outside.

It’s in moments like these that you realize pigeon control isn’t just about cleanliness; it’s about reclaiming your space. But here’s the thing: it’s not about disliking pigeons. These city dwellers have their unique charm. The real issue lies in the mess and damage they can unintentionally cause.

From clogging gutters with their nests to leaving droppings that can corrode surfaces (and let’s not forget the potential health risks), pigeon control becomes more than a preference – it’s a necessity.

So, are you looking for ways on how to get rid of pigeons humanely? You’re in the right place.

Know Why They Are There in The First Place

Ever wonder why pigeons seem to pick your property as their favorite hangout? It’s not just bad luck. Like many of us, pigeons are creatures of habit. Once they find a spot that feels safe and has a steady food supply, they’re likely to stick around. Truth be told, we often unknowingly roll out the red carpet for them.

Remember the time I found my balcony looking like a pigeon hotel? Turns out, my leftover sandwich crumbs and the sheltered corner were the perfect invitation. Pigeons aren’t picky; a little food and a spot away from predators, and they’re all set.

But there’s more to these birds than their love for easy living. Pigeons have a strong homing instinct. This means once they’ve marked your place as ‘home,’ convincing them to move out isn’t going to be a walk in the park.

They’re also social creatures. One pigeon finding your balcony appealing can quickly become a whole flock deciding it’s the new hot spot.

Prevent Them From Making Your Home a Hot Spot

So, we’ve figured out why pigeons might be treating our spaces like their own. Now, let’s talk about how to gently discourage them from turning our homes into their favorite spots. Prevention is key, and it’s often simpler than you might think.

The first step? Let’s look at your surroundings

That bird feeder intended for small songbirds might be a pigeon magnet. And those scraps of food we sometimes leave on our balconies or yards? A gourmet feast for pigeons. It’s like hosting a party and then wondering why guests keep showing up. Cutting off the food supply is a straightforward yet effective start.

But what about shelter?

Pigeons love a good, cozy spot to nest – who doesn’t? Those little nooks and crannies around our homes can be prime real estate for them. I once found a nest tucked away in the most unexpected corner of my roof.

Sealing off potential nesting spots can make your property less appealing.

And here’s a tip I learned the hard way: water sources.

Pigeons, like any other living creature, need water. That unintentional water puddle or the birdbath in your garden can be a pigeon spa day invitation. It’s not just about food and shelter; water plays a big role, too. So, ensuring there aren’t constant water sources available can be a game-changer.

If They Are Persistent, You Need to Deter Them

As I mentioned, pigeons can be stubbornly hard to leave an area they’ve marked as home. So if they keep returning, then you need to adopt more assertive pigeon deterrent methods that will keep them off your property.

One of the simplest yet effective methods I’ve tried is using bird spikes. No, they’re not as medieval as they sound. These spikes are more about creating an uncomfortable landing spot for pigeons rather than causing them harm. I installed some on my balcony railing, and voilà – it was no longer the pigeon party zone.

Another technique that worked wonders for me was bird netting. It’s like setting up a gentle barrier. Pigeons see the net, realize there’s no easy way through and head elsewhere. It’s particularly useful for protecting larger areas like rooftops or balconies.

But here’s a little twist I discovered: visual deterrents. Ever seen those fake owls or hawks perched on buildings? They can be surprisingly effective. Pigeons, being naturally wary of predators, tend to steer clear of these decoys. It’s a bit like having a scarecrow but for pigeons.

Now, I must admit that installing these deterrents takes a bit of effort and planning. It’s not just about slapping them up anywhere. Placement is key. You want to target their favorite spots – those areas where they roost and nest.

Gretchen Walker
Gretchen is a homemaker by day and writer by night. She takes a keen interest in life as it unfolds around her and spends her free time observing people go about their everyday affairs.