Lady Talk: How to Stop Dizziness During Period

how to stop dizziness during period

Though not many people are aware of it, women can experience a wide range of symptoms when they get their periods. From cramps and weird food cravings to lightheadedness and bloating, there is no shortage of issues that can arise.

Out of all the symptoms, dizziness is one of the most common and most bothersome symptoms. Luckily, this guide is here to tell you how to stop dizziness during periods, what causes it, and when it is best to seek help from a doctor. Read on!

Is It Normal to Feel Dizzy When You Get Your Period?

The short answer to this question is — yes, you can experience dizziness during or slightly before your period. As long as the symptom passes quickly and it is not actually debilitating, it is quite normal.

There are several causes that might be behind lightheadedness, and we’ll go over them in the sections that follow.

5 Causes of Dizziness During Periods


1. Hormone Fluctuations

When you get your period, your hormones fluctuate at record speed. Progesterone and estrogen are the main culprits, as their levels can vary dramatically from the PMS stage to after your cycle has already begun.

In most cases, low levels of these hormones can lead to your blood vessels constricting. As a result, the blood flow to the brain is somewhat limited, bringing about symptoms such as dizziness and lightheadedness.

In addition, the hormones may also affect your circulation, making you feel colder and shivery. That can, in turn, also lead to you feeling dizzy, especially as you get up after laying down or sitting for too long.

2. Cramps

Another cause of dizziness are period cramps. Many women experience debilitating pain when menstruating, and they need strong painkillers to manage them. It is no secret that intense pain can make you dizzy, which is why learning to manage your pain levels is essential.

3. Dehydration and Lack of Food

When women get their periods, they are often bloated and feel as if drinking or eating something will make them burst. Moreover, the pain is sometimes too much to bear, and drinking some water or eating something is the last thought on their minds.

However, not taking any food or water often causes dizziness. The body has no new energy to burn, which leads to weakness, sleepiness, and the inability to move around too much.

4. Blood Sugar Fluctuations

You might also feel dizzy because your blood sugar levels are constantly changing. Many women eat a lot of sweets right before their periods, which leads to elevated blood sugar levels.

Then, as your cycle begins, the sugar cravings subside. The sudden blood sugar drop often translates into feelings of dizziness.

5. Low Iron Levels

As you lose blood during your period, the body’s iron levels lower dramatically. That, in turn, often leads to you feeling dizzy and unstable on your feet when you first try to stand.

How to Stop Dizziness During Period


Luckily, there are safe ways to manage dizziness during your period. Which one you pick will mostly depend on what is the cause of your symptoms in the first place.

1. Drink Plenty of Water and Eat Wholesome Foods

It is important to eat and drink during your period, as bothersome as it might feel at that moment. Enough food and liquids will ensure your body has enough calories to burn, making dizziness a less possible issue.

While all food is welcome, it’s preferable to consume something wholesome and nutritious. That includes getting balanced meals full of protein, carbs, and vitamins.

2. Avoid Refined Sugar

To keep your blood sugar stable, you should try to avoid refined sugar as much as possible. Thus, don’t gorge yourself on sweets, donuts, pancakes, and too much chocolate. As always, moderation is the key to a healthy body.

3. Iron Supplementation

If you need to replenish your iron levels, you should eat more meat, fish, green vegetables, tofu, etc. But if these foods don’t help, you can also take some iron supplements during the first few days of your cycle.

4. Breathing Exercises

Doing breathing exercises can help reduce your cramps, lower your anxiety, and make you more relaxed overall. As a result, your dizziness might subside as well.

When to See a Doctor

As with all period symptoms, dizziness shouldn’t impede you from living your life normally. Therefore, if you are so dizzy that you cannot get up on your own and the feeling persists for several days, it is best to consult your doctor. Your dizziness might be a symptom of something else, and getting checked out is imperative for early detection.

Gretchen Walker
Gretchen is a homemaker by day and writer by night. She takes a keen interest in life as it unfolds around her and spends her free time observing people go about their everyday affairs.